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07 Jun, 2023 Intermittent connectivity in several areas More Info

IDD Rates

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  • The Budget IDD service to Indonesia will be discontinued from 28 February 2023 onwards.
  • USA & Canada rates are not applicable to Alaska, American Samoa, Anguilla, Antartic Territories, Antilles, Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Ber muda, British Virgin Island, Cayman Island, Christmas Island, Cocos Island, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guam, Jamaica, Montserrat, Puerto Rico, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Saipan, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caiscos, Hawaii, US Virgin Island.
  • Tune Talk reserves the right to revise the rates without prior notification.
Response time: 0.54532718658447
  1. select * from `tunetalk_front_navs` where `section` = ? order by `nest_left` asc, `name` asc
  2. select * from `system_files` where `system_files`.`attachment_id` in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) and `system_files`.`attachment_type` = ? and `field` = ? order by `sort_order` asc
  3. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  4. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  5. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  6. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  7. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  8. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  9. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  10. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  11. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  12. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  13. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  14. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  15. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  16. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  17. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  18. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  19. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  20. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  21. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  22. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  23. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  24. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  25. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  26. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  27. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  28. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  29. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  30. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  31. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  32. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  33. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  34. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  35. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  36. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  37. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  38. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  39. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  40. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  41. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  42. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  43. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  44. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  45. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  46. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  47. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  48. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  49. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  50. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  51. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  52. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  53. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  54. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  55. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  56. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  57. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  58. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  59. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  60. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  61. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  62. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  63. select * from `tunetalk_front_navs` where `section` = ? order by `nest_left` asc, `name` asc
  64. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  65. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  66. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  67. select * from `rainlab_translate_locales` where `code` = ? limit 1
  68. select * from `tunetalk_front_page_blocks` where `published` is not null and `published` = ? and `code` = ? limit 1
  69. select * from `tunetalk_front_content_blocks` where `tunetalk_front_content_blocks`.`page_block_id` in (?) order by `position` asc
  70. select * from `tunetalk_front_page_blocks` where `tunetalk_front_page_blocks`.`parent_id` = ? and `tunetalk_front_page_blocks`.`parent_id` is not null
  71. select `tunetalk_element_h_b_groups`.*, `tunetalk_front_contentable`.`content_id` as `pivot_content_id`, `tunetalk_front_contentable`.`contentable_id` as `pivot_contentable_id` from `tunetalk_element_h_b_groups` inner join `tunetalk_front_contentable` on `tunetalk_element_h_b_groups`.`id` = `tunetalk_front_contentable`.`contentable_id` where `tunetalk_front_contentable`.`content_id` = ? and `tunetalk_front_contentable`.`contentable_type` = ?
  72. select * from `tunetalk_element_hero_banners` where `tunetalk_element_hero_banners`.`group_id` = ? and `tunetalk_element_hero_banners`.`group_id` is not null order by `position` asc
  73. select `tunetalk_element_s_t_c_groups`.*, `tunetalk_front_contentable`.`content_id` as `pivot_content_id`, `tunetalk_front_contentable`.`contentable_id` as `pivot_contentable_id` from `tunetalk_element_s_t_c_groups` inner join `tunetalk_front_contentable` on `tunetalk_element_s_t_c_groups`.`id` = `tunetalk_front_contentable`.`contentable_id` where `tunetalk_front_contentable`.`content_id` = ? and `tunetalk_front_contentable`.`contentable_type` = ?
  74. select * from `tunetalk_element_slim_three_columns` where `tunetalk_element_slim_three_columns`.`group_id` = ? and `tunetalk_element_slim_three_columns`.`group_id` is not null
  75. select * from `system_files` where `system_files`.`attachment_type` = ? and `system_files`.`attachment_id` = ? and `field` = ? and `system_files`.`attachment_id` is not null order by `sort_order` asc limit 1
  76. select count(*) As cnt, country from `tunetalk_coolplan_i_d_d_s` group by `country`
  77. select * from `tunetalk_coolplan_i_d_d_s` order by `country` asc limit 1
  78. select * from `system_files` where `system_files`.`attachment_type` = ? and `system_files`.`attachment_id` = ? and `field` = ? and `system_files`.`attachment_id` is not null order by `sort_order` asc limit 1
  79. select * from `system_files` where `system_files`.`attachment_type` = ? and `system_files`.`attachment_id` = ? and `field` = ? and `system_files`.`attachment_id` is not null order by `sort_order` asc limit 1
  80. select * from `system_files` where `system_files`.`attachment_type` = ? and `system_files`.`attachment_id` = ? and `field` = ? and `system_files`.`attachment_id` is not null order by `sort_order` asc limit 1
  81. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  82. select * from `system_files` where `system_files`.`attachment_type` = ? and `system_files`.`attachment_id` = ? and `field` = ? and `system_files`.`attachment_id` is not null order by `sort_order` asc limit 1
  83. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  84. select * from `system_files` where `system_files`.`attachment_type` = ? and `system_files`.`attachment_id` = ? and `field` = ? and `system_files`.`attachment_id` is not null order by `sort_order` asc limit 1