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07 Jun, 2023 Intermittent connectivity in several areas More Info

Upgrade to 4G SIM







Full Name*
(as per IC / Passport)
Type of Identification*
(NRIC example: 771017055181)
NRIC/Passport Upload*:
Max filesize (5MB), Only accepts JPG, PNG, GIF & PDF File
Date of Birth*
Email Address*
Reconfirm Email Address*
(Contact example: if your number is +60123456789, please fill in 123456789)
Alternative Contact*
(Contact example: if your number is +60123456789, please fill in 123456789)
Top Up Amount * (MYR) Note: Select the value of your choice according to the top up amounts.
OKU Tick if is applicable:

Delivery Address*
Delivery within Malaysia only
Delivery Address
Similar to permanent address
Response time: 4.5418269634247
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