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07 Jun, 2023 Intermittent connectivity in several areas More Info

Enjoy more data and airtime credit with Tune Talk +VIBE plans!

Now with every purchase of the +Vibe plan, you will earn RM5 credit and reward points.

RM14.15 Monthly

Tune Talk Buddies Subscriber Only


30 Mins Calls
(To Tune Talker)

30 Mins Calls
(All Network)

RM5 Credit

45 pts


RM28.30 Monthly

Tune Talk Buddies Subscriber Only


40 Mins Calls
(To Tune Talker)

40 Mins Calls
(All Network)

RM5 Credit

120 pts


RM47.17 Monthly

Tune Talk Buddies Subscriber Only


Unlimited Calls
(To Tune Talker)

60 Mins Calls
(All Network)

RM5 Credit

250 pts


Subscribe +Vibe Plan via Tune Talk App

Download/Open Tune Talk App
Choose your preferred +Vibe plan
Check to ensure the selected +Vibe plan is correct
Select your preferred payment method (online banking or credit card)
Your +Vibe plan will be activated within 2 to 5 minutes after the payment is completed.

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Tune Talk

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Download the Tune Talk App today to subscribe to plans and manage your account effortlessly

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Response time: 0.61593294143677
  1. select * from `tunetalk_front_navs` where `section` = ? order by `nest_left` asc, `name` asc
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  5. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  6. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  7. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  8. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  9. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  10. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  11. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  12. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  13. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  14. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  15. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  16. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  17. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  18. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  19. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  20. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  21. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  22. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  23. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  24. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  25. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  26. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  27. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  28. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  29. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  30. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  31. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  32. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  33. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  34. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  35. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  36. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  37. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  38. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  39. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  40. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  41. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  42. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  43. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  44. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  45. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  46. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  47. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  48. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  49. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  50. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  51. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  52. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  53. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
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  55. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
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  58. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  59. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  60. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
  61. select * from `rainlab_translate_attributes` where `locale` = ? and `model_id` = ? and `model_type` = ? limit 1
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